Shot Composition – Part 2: Camera Angles

Today we’re learning about camera angles! Please like our Facebook page to see more content like this. New videos every week!

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Camera angles are a subject that seems to both intrigue and terrify the uninitiated. Truth be told, there isn’t a lot to it. You can do two things. Change the height of your camera, or change the roll-axis of your camera. Everything else is really just subject positioning.
Changing the height of your camera changes how we perceive the subject. A higher angle will create the impression that the subject is weak, cute, or diminutive because your point of view is above the subject. A low angle will create the impression that the subject is large, powerful, overbearing. Use these tools intelligently, and with intention and the result will be exactly what you’re looking for.
The roll-axis as a general rule, should not be used when choosing a camera angle. A tilted axis creates a feeling of unease in your audience, and in almost every case, what you want is a stable, level shot.
Stay tuned to the very end for a sneak preview of some upcoming work!
Also shoutout to Rabbi Pinchas L. Landis! We’re doing a project for his podcast, Rabbis Without Borders Podcast, and while on set, I took the opportunity to ask Matthew, one of our camera operators, to explain how he goes about framing up a scene like the one we captured for Rabbi Landis.
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