Welcome to The Creative Outlet, a YouTube channel devoted entirely to the enjoyment of hobbies! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and share with all your friends. For a full list of our content, see our full list of videos.

Welcome to The Creative Outlet, a YouTube channel devoted entirely to the enjoyment of hobbies! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and share with all your friends. For a full list of our content, see our full list of videos.

About The Channel

We welcome your feedback! Please send us an email using the contact form with any helpful comments, tips, suggestions, or constructive criticism (please be kind, real people will read your messages!).


The channel focuses on hobbies and interesting pastimes, presenting new and novel concepts to a wide audience. The focus is on engaging content, and built from the very beginning with high quality, high production value productions. The aim is always to inform, entertain, and engage.


If you've enjoyed this YouTube Channel, consider listening to the podcast, called "What Makes You Happy?" which focuses on the intersection between hobbies and mental health. If you consider The Creative Outlet YouTube Channel to be the What and How of hobbies, the What Makes You Happy? podcast is the Why of hobbies.


About The Host

Dovid E. Z. Stern has always been an avid hobbyist. In fact you might say that his hobby is collecting hobbies. From playing his violin, to drawing, videogames, Dungeons & Dragons, ham radio, and health and fitness, Dovid is constantly picking up new hobbies.