Tag: fun

Video games sometimes get a bad rap. People tend to think of them as a lazy hobby, one which begets slothful character. I disagree with that sentiment, and I’d like to tell you why. When I’m done, I’m sure you’ll agree that video games are not only skilled pursuits, but active and creative hobbies that…

We often take for granted the modern conveniences of worldwide communications like cell phones and the internet. What if one day it was unavailable? Ham radio is one compelling answer. In this video, I’ll be building an antenna for my HF station and hopefully, I’ll get on the air.

With the current quarantine and stay-at-home orders ocurring globally, now may be a good time to take out your bike and go for a ride. We all get a little stir crazy when we are stuck inside for weeks on end with no reason to go out except groceries or emergencies, but most places are…

Cycling is one of the most exciting and popular sports for people around the globe. While some utilize bicycles simply as an affordable, green mode of transportation, many others flock to the roads as they push the limits in competition, and enjoy the great outdoors. Here to talk to us today about the many varied…